Residents like to see their tax dollars at work for the right reasons. In Austin, Texas, taxpayers have been seeing their dollars spent and no solution to repair a broken sewer line. This issue has been ongoing for almost five years.
City workers make daily trips transporting sewage from the line at 16th and Pearl streets and moving it to another access point in the line or treatment plant across town. These daily visits are necessary to ensure sewage does not back-up into nearby residential homes, which has occurred to at least one resident since these issues started years ago.
The city has explained that the repair has taken some time due to where it lies underground. The aging line runs under a heritage tree with neighboring homes on both sides of the line. The city has been negotiating with those homeowners to secure a new easement for access onto the private property. While negotiations have been ongoing, city officials have said that a replacement line will be constructed in the aging pipeline if an agreeable solution is not met in the near future.
Every day workers go out to pump the line, more taxpayer dollars are spent. Taxpayers want to see this line completely repaired instead of daily temporary solutions. City officials and residents hope this issue is resolved soon.
If you are looking for information on protecting, lining and repairing pipes, or for the nearest installer, contact Perma-Liner™ Industries today. Perma-Liner™ is the leading manufacturer and supplier of trenchless pipeline rehabilitation equipment and materials in North America. For almost 20 years, we have developed systems to rehabilitate existing sewer systems without excavation. Our experience in the CIPP industry has allowed us to design, patent and manufacture state of the art technology in order for us to repair structures without excavation.