The purpose of a Cross Connection Control Program is to identify potential cross connections on the public water system and require that the proper backflow prevention device is installed at the potential source. Duncanville requires Backflow Prevention Devices to be installed by a registered plumber or backflow installer and then tested by certified backflow tester who is registered with the Cross Connection Department. The original test report must be turned into the Cross Connection Department within one business day. These is also a list of acceptable backflow prevention devices on the USC Foundation website ( Devices must be approved by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. Something to also keep in mind when reviewing the backflow prevention criteria, assemblies shown on the list have been evaluated with a specific set of shutoff valves as an integral part of the assembly. The specific shutoff valves are coded by a parenthetic code shown with each assembly. The coding of shutoff valves is defined specifically. Other shutoff valves having similar performance characteristics which permit the assembly to comply with the standards are also shown immediately after the original shutoff valves. The use of any shutoff valve on a specific assembly, other than those listed for that specific assembly invalidates the Approval. In addition, all commercial backflow devices will be determined based on the type of application and degree of hazard. These devices are required to be tested every year.

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