Houston has had its flooding problems, to say the least, and it has been an issue that the city has had to contend with for a long while. The heavy rains have not only imposed costly damages to the city, it’s created a very distressing situation for the residents of this big heart city. The Houston area is chronicled by major back-to-back storms that don’t appear to be letting up. In fact, many area neighborhoods are experiencing what seems to be habitual heavy rain. The city has also had major growth in the recent years that has buildings and infrastructures going up quicker and in more volume. This is to be taken into account as the land that would absorb the large amounts of water is becoming unavailable and the drainage systems more overloaded. Unfortunately, the over capacity of the sewer system has flooded streets and homes- which are not located in the floodplain, where flood insurance would be required. This leaves many residents without the protection needed when damages occur due to torrential rains. Engineers are currently evaluating how the city can best accommodate the ever growing population, as well as manage and rehabilitate the underground infrastructures to sustain future growth and heavy rain events.
Save the Date: You’re invited! It’s time to make your plans Dallas and Houston- your attendance is requested. Perma-Liner Industries is pleased to continue our annual participation in the upcoming Conference which is being hosted at the Fort Worth Convention Center. We’d like to invite you to come out and join us for the 2017 Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exhibition (UCT) on Jan 31st through Feb 2nd. UCT is the largest event in the United States focusing on underground utility infrastructure rehabilitation and construction. You can expect to hear and see the most current operations and equipment in the trenchless industry. They’ll be hands-on demonstrations, presentations, exhibits, interactive seminars and more. We’ve got the best of the best and our experienced staff will be there ready to answer your questions and provide important information. See you soon!!