Houston is the fourth largest city in the US; consisting of 3600 miles of storm sewer lines, 120,000 inlets, and 80,000 manholes. The City of Houston’s ‘Streets and Drainage’ team is responsible for the maintenance and repair to the city’s sewer system with inspections, cleaning and rehabilitating the storm sewer system. Such things like cleaning manholes, inlets, and storm sewer lines and leads are performed by the city. The Storm Sewer Maintenance Section is in charge in removing debris and objects that can block the storm sewer. Worst case scenario is that debris can cause blockage or even breaks in the sewer lines or manholes. Rest assure, City of Houston that Perma-Liner CIPP Systems can save taxpayers money. Using in-house instead of hiring a sub-contractor saves thousands of dollars not to mention using CIPP systems is a cost effective alternative to digging and replacing broken sewer pipes. Troublesome permits are another worry, but not for municipalities and Perma-Liner as a team! If you would like to know why Mayors, City administrators, and Director of Public Works are recommending Perma-Liner, visit our website! www.perma-liner.com